From the EAST |
Take Hwy 84 West, Turn right on Jackson Street at the Fast Track Gas Station, Hotel is 2 miles on the left. |
From the WEST |
Take Hwy 84 East, go over U.S 43. Turn
left at the Fast Track Gas Station onto Jackson Street, Hotel is 2 miles on the left. |
From the SOUTH |
Take Hwy 43 North, Pass under US hwy 84 bridge. Drive a few blocks and you will see a flashing light. Take a right turn onto Cobb Street. Take a left onto Jackson Street at the 1st stop light. Hotel is 1 mile on the left. |
From the NORTH |
Take Hwy 43 South, Exit on Hwy 295 at the Business District sign right after the FORD Dealership. Hotel is 1.5 miles on the right. |
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